

There are three versions of the eXact spectrophotometer available


The eXact Standard spectrophotometer has been specifically designed for printers and packaging converters to provide CMYK and spot color validation, using industry standards to increase control over the printing process.

  • It provides measurements of all optical densities and colorimetric functions, resulting in better verification of color consistency
  • Supports all industry printing standards: G7, ISO, PSO, Japan Color
  • Uses BestMatch to provide the guidance you need to determine whether you can achieve a better match to a specific color standard by adjusting the hue directly during printing


  • Quality control management at the Advanced level
  • Provides paper and ink evaluation functions such as paper indexes, metaverism, color strength, opacity and dE trend*
  • Measures ink and paper before, during and after printing to increase efficiency
  • It allows you to analyze the substrate with the optical brightener indicator function

The device preferred by dye laboratories and advanced quality control laboratories. The eXact Advanced spectrophotometer is designed to help you achieve the highest quality product with the widest set of tools.


For printing machine operators who need a simple device for color control during printing, the eXact Basic densitometer is the answer. It has been designed specifically for CMYK measurements, enabling you to achieve and maintain accurate colors throughout the entire job cycle.

  • Provides accurate density and TVP (raster point gain) results
  • Generates automatic recognition of color (CMYK) and cube type (ground, solid and raster)
  • Zintegrowana, najnowocześniejsza biała płytka kalibracyjna, chroniona przed kurzem i odciskami palców, aby zapewnić najdokładniejszą kalibrację